Blog Milestone: Reached ten thousand visitors!
Born in: (Mostly 1993)
Our FT:
Ms. Lem Chen Chen
Flock size: 41
Presbyterian High School
4 Endurance Pupils 2009
Rahul - "I can't see him!"
V. Chairman:
Choo Yi Jie - "He can't see me!"
Class' smartest person:
Heng Cheng Sin
Class' most thing to shout:
Class' most-made-fun-of-person:
Chen Tian Min
Class' most free:
Chen Tian Min
Class' most innovative person:
Chen Tian Min
Class' quietest:
Tew Jia Hui
Class' slowest:
Darren Teo WL
Class' longest name:
Immandira Rahul Ponnanna (22 letters)
Class' most popular football club:
Manchester United Football Club
Class' most disgusting:
Edwin Chen
Class' most invisible:
Immandira Rahul Ponnanna
Class' lightest:
Carissa So
Class' most stunted speech:
Daniel Yu
Class' Most-no-common-sense:
it is on SOURCE-BASED questions
also, only the northern ireland!!!
please get it....

For those who watch Lord Of The Rings (or at least, the Fellowship of the Ring)
The speech:
Boromir: One does not simply... walk into Mortor...
Aragorn: Mordor.
Boromir: What?
Aragorn: It's "Mordor" with a "D".
Boromir: (stunned silence)
Boromir: One does not walk into Mordor...
Frodo: Um... Yes you do.
Boromir: Shut up! No you don't!
Frodo: Yes you do. You totally do.
Boromir: Nuh-uh! You need, like... an army.
Boromir: With like... Ninjas... and... um... Wizards! NINJA WIZARDS!
Gandalf: I'm a wizard!
Boromir: Yeah, but you're not a Ninja.
Gandalf: (Looks down sadly)
Boromir: Maybe some bears, too... Bears that shoot laser beams from their eyes...
Boromir: Man, that would be so frickin' AWESOME!
Frodo: (cold silence)
Gandalf: (silent laugh)
Aragon: (cold stare)
Boromir: (looks left)
Boromir: (looks right)
Boromir: (frowns)
+Posted by Magneto+
revise rivers and coasts
chapter 2
chapter 3-4
chapter 2,3,4,5,6,7 many topics...
-maths ws (coordinate geometry, the one given out today)
-research on mangroves, the types, characteristics, distribution and rises?
that's it it..
continuation of assignment...
the bio workbook for chapter 8..and the worksheets
don't be so stressed up over CT2 and tests okay..
anyway here's a clip of it.
okay ppl, this period of time is jia you!
firstly, the topics tested for the CT2 for geography,
-semester one's work...( rivers and coast..) and map work, also the natural vegetation
homework over the weekends!
-A maths...(do in A maths book 1, e.x 7.4 No. 7 and 12, miscellaneous ex. 7, No. 2 and 3 ( most important...)
- heymaths...due on sunday...(also quite important)
- the bio ws (latest..) haha..cos i haven submit..Muahaha..
-the bio ws (the one gt a pic of the blood capillary de) i also haven do...haha..
....dun feel like doing, i dun even teacher u can get to teach u bio...good enough to fail...
some other work to be done some other DAYs...
- the bio research on the diff. heart diseases... (after CT2, the teacher has finally used her brain...) No offence edwin, jus that she can't really teach, then still keep giving us to those....stuff..
that's least that's wad i think...
* please remember that the SS test is postpone to next tuesday the first period of SS...jia you and study hard...( though there is nth much to really study...except for the techniques to do source based questions...)
10: Ronald (Yi Jie) [Unchanged]
9: Swee Ming (Wei Li) [NEW!]
8: Olivia (Nigel) [NEW!]
7: Aziz (Marcus Yatim) [Down 1]
6: Yu Yeu Chew (Daniel Yu) [Down 3]
Top 5!
5: "Mati"(Logaraj) [Up 4]
4: Lai Ling (Marcus Loh) [NEW!]
Top 3!
3: Soon Teng (Yi Jie) [Down 2]
2: Thimaya (Rahul) [Up 1]
And the winner is...
1: WEN HUA!!! (Tian Min) [Up 1]
Bubbling-under! (3 parent's names that may make it into the charts, all it needs is a bit more name-calling!)
3: Chung Gee (Xiao Feng)2: Chrim Pok (Pei Ling)
1: Teck Hock (Dao Han)
*note, not responsible for any spelling errors*
+posted by: Magneto+
- maths ws the coordinate practices...
-chemistry ws on chapter 8 (by friday put in mrs andrews locker)
- bio ws on the blood pressure and so on...
- bio research on the diff kinds of heart diseases...(by mon)
submission of the poster, e maths book 2, ex. 6.1 to 6.4, the file (arranged), chem ws
** please hand in ur physics SPA if u haven done so....cos i haven do finish also...
- pressure
-heat transfer
-kinetic energy
chapter 15, 16, 8, 9 (9.1-9.4)
- transport in mammals
-transport in plants
it is tested on the Sri Lanka the conflicts n consequences....
source-based type...
reliabilities n usefulness type of questions....
please look out for the 1983 race is important...
e maths:
- coordinate geometry
-properties of circles
-semester one work
** the coordinate geometry n ppts. of circles is tested abt 65% to 70%
a maths:
-coordinate geometry
-partial fractions
-semester one work
***the coordinate gemetry n partial fractions are tested abt 65%
1. e maths..question 1 b, d , question 2 n 3, question 4 (all), question 5 n in e maths book 1
2. bio ws (heart and ...)
3. geog wb (do finish the whole chapter on the forest the topic) * not so important....haha...
4. social studies the mindmap on ireland... on friday then hand in...
Homework to be done today!!
- e maths, do in e maths book 1 (mr hui say tml die die also mus do today's work!), ex. 6.3, questions 1 b, d ,f ,h, question 2 n 3, on page 182 n 183 of ur textbook....
** also, for maths.. do TRY IT! 13, 14, 15 n 16, in your maths NOTEBOOK! read the tb for the tangent 184 to 189
for geog, if u have time n the interest, read up on the tb on the forest she went through some bits...
things to submit- physics yellow bok the review questions...., e maths, as mentioned above..
- please kindly bring ur maths poster...A4 size de...
- please kindly also arrange ur maths file.. ALL TEST PAPERS PUT ON TOP!!
but still must be according to additional mathematics n elementary mathematics...thank you thank you..
leader register number topic
sharon 1 to 10 algebra
peiling 11 to 21 arithmetic
tian min 22 to 30 statistics
rahul 31 to 41 geometry
please be reminded that on WEDNESDAY, we have a physics test...
that's it.. i think..bye~ jia you!
the message below is brought to u by mr hui...
He wants to decorate the class with posters on statistics and geometry.... so please make them...
etc... 80% of the class does not like to have class tests very now and then....10% of the class do not really care about it, cos they like to study, and the remaining 10% loves to have tests every now and then....
in pie chart, wadeva..up to ur own creativity...this piece of work is due on fri (25 july), so make it ASAP.... please dun make it too wordy...(like my etc) use symbols and stuff like that to help represent.
Monday- Chemistry (acid, bases and salts, chapter 15)
Tuesday- YAY! so far no test!!!!
Wednesday- Physics ( pressure and kinetic theory, chapter 6 and 8)
Thursday- Additional Mathematics ( coordinate geometry) * i sms mr hui le, he say is on thursday...
Friday- Social Studies ( Sri Lanka conflict and consequences, tested on source-based questions, so just know theflow of event...)
~that is it.... thank you for your time and JIAYOU!
i am gonna remind ur abt the homework and also the tests coming up, in case some of you nvr catch it in class...
1. E maths- do it book 1, ex. 6.1, questions 4,5,6,7,10...then ex. 6.2, questions 4a,c and 6
2. Physics yellow book- complete the review questions on heat transfer (excluding those we done it b4 le)
those who haven hand in the bio ws for the blood one rite, also must do lor, as well as ur chem practical evaluation, in case u haven hand in...
we are in diff EL n CL classes, so these two i can't help u much...sorry..
1. chemistry on monday- salts, as well as know about the acid n bases
2.physics on wednesday- pressure n kinetic theory
3 A mathematics (he nvr say when, but it is next week, so get prepare abt it)-coordinate geometry
that's is about it..i dun think have anymore, if still have, then ur add on urself bah... this is jus trying to help u rmb the schedule, NOT TO STRESS YOU UP!if your dun like it, i wun post it again...having earlier preparations would definitely help...i think....
once again, JIA YOU!!!=)
10: Teck Hock (Dao Han) [NEW!]
9: 'Mati' (Logaraj) [NEW!]
8: Aziz (Marcus Yatim) [Up 2]
7: Olivia (Nigel) [Up 2]
6: Judith (Edwin) [Down 1]
Top 5!
5: Ronald (Yi Jie) [Up 3]
4: Kenneth (Edwin) [Down 1]
3: Thimaya (Rahul) [Up 1]
2: Wen Hua (Tian Min) [Unchanged]
And the winner is...
1: SOON TENG!!! (Yi Jie) [Unchanged for 2 weeks in a row!]
Bubbling-under! (3 parent's names that may make it into the charts, all it needs is a bit more name-calling!)
3: Yu Yeu Chew (Daniel Yu)
2: Chrim Pok (Pei Ling)
1: Lai Ling (Marcus Loh)
*note, not responsible for any spelling errors*
+posted by: Magneto+
Labels: Weekly Top 10
Girls are in red.
Boys are in blue.
Double characters (ppl who have 2 characters) are in purple.
Sharon - Rogue
Bahiemah - Shapeshifter
Carissa - Anorexic
Elise - Storm
Hejun - Volleyballer
Cheng Sin - Cyclops
Shi Yun - Santa Claus
Janice - Jean Grey
Julia - Vampire
Kezia - Cow
Pei Ling - Martian
Annabelle - Bullimic
Gloria - Iceman/Gambit
Elaine - LightCaster
Eileen - DarkCaster
Huai Pin - Juliet
Crystal - Crystal
Jia Hui - Ballerina
Claudia - The "Toh' Girl
Zhu Li - Cactus
Edwin - Kentucky SP
Tian Min - Human Torch
Dao Han - Toadman
Mingzhe - Chaosmaster SP
Wei Li - Magneto EX
Yi Jie - Old man
Marcus Yatim - W/Kimi
Hendra - Doraemon
Hendry - Romeo
Jia Ming - Anything also can
Rahul - NightCrawler
Bang Lian - Razorman
Jia Sheng - Spectator
Xiao Feng - SmallWind (Prof. X) EX
Clement - Anything better than Jiaming
Raj - Staticman
Marcus Loh - Edward Bear
Kang Ren - Lord of Avernus
Nigel - Fake Storm
Darren - Airwick!
Daniel - Kutu
Current Statistics: Class tee : 60% [Pink class tee decided, now only left payment and tee]
Characters: 43/43 excluding Miss Lem and Mr Hui
Percentage of characters done: 100% la SOON TENG!
Signing off,
Hmm... Jia Ming loves this.
Bye guyz!
+posted by: Magneto+
singing Beyonce- Listen
Star King #38 - Charice Pempengco Wows The World (en)
Her return to the show again. I personally prefer this more. Her cover of I will survive's so good : D. For those complaining you don't understand.... eh. Just hear her speack english is senough. But you if you dun want to watch further also nvm.
Charice Pempengco performs "I Will Always Love You" live on UK TV show "The Paul O'Grady Show", aired 8th April 2008.
A great spam on her =.=" But her voice is really amazing.
She performed on Ellen show too I think.
Just amazing. To think that she's our age.
opps sorry.
will post up link -.-;; forget putting my name -.-;; shiyun here
( but it doesn't lag on mine? )
but my opera makes it loads very fast?
will just leave one video on
Kenneth's wive (HUA) is Judith (WEN HUA),
Kenneth, Kenneth (SWEE MING),
(HUA) Kenneth's wive is Judith, Oh Kenneth (HUA).
Oh Kenneth (HUA), Oh Kenneth (HUA),
Kenneth's wive is Judith, (THIMA) Oh Kenneth.
P.S. its horrible
- edited -i was disgusted by my own voice. so i changed to non-autoplay. - edited -
yea, so happy 15th birthday!!!!
many may not know the importance of birthdays and are often taken for granted.
as for me, birthdays are to celebrate that person's coming into the world and being brought up from that day forward to become the great person that he/she is today. especially friends, we would always like to celebrate our friends birthday, not just for the birthday bashes or cakes, but to celebrate how much that day is blessed becoz its the day that when such a great friend is born.
that much being said, i think we should gather everyones birthdays, just to celebrate with them how much they impacted our lives. Birthday list.
anyway, this blog may need a lil touching up coz cobwebs might appear soon.
This blog's password has changed, due to some blog-hoppers. Don't ask me what that means, it's wen who suggested that to me. The indecency of the last posted video has ruffled some feathers, and we decided to change the pass to something that only pur class the people know.
Will tell the pass to you all in class probably on Tuesday or Thursday during CF.
Pass for imeem hasn't been changed.
P.S -> WeiLi, its time to change password of the blog and only tell it during class, where only all 3E ppl knows. Unless, you want people to start blog hopping.
Signing off,
Lime Green: 9
Purple: 1(hejun)
Orange: 3
Pale Pink: 20
Hot Pink: 17
Yellow: 1
Blue: 10
Brown: 3
Black: 8
2nd Voting.
Pale Pink: 21
Hot Pink: 20 (assumed)
Final colour : Pale Pink.
T-shirt style: Polo T/
Design: No full class list+Solo nicknames/names+3E logo
K thats the decision made by the class. Hope it is accurate. haha. If its lame. Remove it. I got no reason to keep it up anyway. Thank you for wasting your time in this.
Anyway this is my first post so ignore anything u dun like XD.
-Olive Garden- (a.k.a Nigel)
10: Aziz (Marcus Yatim) [Unchanged]
9: Olivia (Nigel) [NEW!]
8: Ronald (Yi Jie) [NEW!]
7: Swee Ming (Wei Li) [Down 1]
6: Biesuan (Hendra) [Down 3]
Top 5!
5: Judith (Edwin) [Unchanged]
4: Thimaya (Rahul) [Up 3]
3: Kenneth (Edwin) [Up 1]
2: Wen Hua (Tian Min) [Down 1]
And the winner is...
1: SOON TENG!!! (Yi Jie) [Up 1]
Bubbling-under! (3 parent's names that may make it into the charts, all it needs is a bit more name-calling!)
3: Chrim Pok (Pei Ling)
2: Thomas (Ananbelle)
1: Teck Hock (Dao Han)
*note, not responsible for any spelling errors*
+posted by: Magneto+
Labels: Weekly Top 10
time: 1.30pm at yishun mrt station (meet)
actual bowling venue: yishun safra
things to bring: money (at least $10), socks (1 pair), the things u will need
kezia say wanna watch movie after that those interested, contact her bah...
attire: pink clothes...hehe=) but u not comfortable with it then it is all right...hehe.
*sharon, tml to bring the gift we bought the other day...hehe...then we can wear together...hehe...
2. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
3. He, who laughs last, thinks slowest.
4. A day without sunshine is like, well . night.
5. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
6. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don’t.
7. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
8. The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there’s a 90% probability you’ll get it wrong.
9. It is said that if you line up all the cars in the world end-to-end, someone would be stupid enough to try to pass them.
10. If the shoe fits, get another one just like it.
11. The things that come to those that wait, may be the things left by those, who got there first.
12. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer.
13. Flashlight: A case for holding dead batteries.
14. The shin bone is a device for finding furniture in the dark.
15. When you go into court, you are putting yourself in the hands of twelve people, who weren’t smart enough to get out of jury duty.
p.s red ones are my favourites=)
orangeheart (cheng sin) here!
haiz... I totally agree with Janice... life is so stressful nowadays that time seem to pass us by so quickly like a lightning bolt... sianz...
anyway, I m glad that we've kept our class spirit high n it has been a WONDERFUL 6 months (or 7 months?) together! :) Especially calling each other's's so fun! *sharks! I m begining to crap liao...must control myself... -_-'
well, nothing much le...haha...good luck everyone for tmr's bio test! ;)
So fast end of week already. But tomorrow bio test :(
But if you don't feel like studying, here are some stuff that will REALLY KILL YOUR TIME. So don't read the following if you don't want to waste your time. Probably want to read this during the weekends.
***Time waster below***
Ok, if you are still reading this, means you want to waste time. But anyway, ever heard of the final fantasy series? or any other RPGs? I have found this very funny video, a really great spoof of RPGs, especially final fantasy. Its like about 40 plus mins, so again, really don't watch it if you don't want to kill time. And it is very VERY sick in some parts and have vulgar words. Got it from:
Aiyahh, why I talk so much crap!!! So here it is:
Another time waster, an impossible quiz, (probably you have heard of it) and when I say it is impossible, it is really impossible. May be addictive to some of you, and you may end up playing it for hours. So don't come and tell me that I waste your time whatsover...
Here is the link:
enough of Hendra's time
Activity: Bowling (Is the one that uses the ball to knock down pins, not carry bowls around.)
Date: This coming Monday, 14 July 2008
Actual Venue: Yishun SAFRA (Its the army camp CC, I think. Don't even say I SAW Mas Selamat in there)
Meeting Venue: Yishun MRT station, NOT Yishun MRT (There are so many MRTs passing Yishun leh)
Time to meet: 1.30 PM (PM la, SOON TENG)
Things to bring: At least $2.70 SGD or more (Not RMB, not Ringgit, Singapore Dollars. We do love US dollars, though), SOCKS, Water bottle and other stuffs which may be reqired.
So, get prepared folks! Add in any extra stuff if required.
Signing off,
ohh, that's so random.
this blog is quite alive uh.
someone please buy the class photo and scan it in!
then i dont have to buy.
i dont wan to. xD
Labels: PINK
the above BIG CAPS words are provided by kezia and sharon....=)jus helping them....
Woah. Calm down people. : ( Aiyah, class tee havn't done yet, so don't argue first(i doubt it is even 10% completed for designing process)
I think that the colour scheme should be more important than the colour itself. Wouldn't it be weird if the topic of design is class tee characters in chibi form like in black and white/colour and you people choose a awkward colour to accompany the design. I could just say see how's the design first, and choose the colour that could bring out the design most. Although I have to agree is those kind of class tee which says 'WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY CLASS TEE?' okay, that's lame, but then, the whole concept is there. (okay, i admitted that i looked at it bcos the hot pink class tee looked good)
Yah, I agree that the jokes and blah stuff should stay. Like the blog would be so boring. -.-;;; Wasn't really feeling great after my grandfather pass away : (
Where's my aluminium foil now? : (
Based on the votes, the smartest person is HENG CHENG SIN! (Xf, CS beat ya, BIG time.) Although I am not the one giving the final words, but WeiLi, the results are obvious, right....
I think the poll can be taken off now...
To the person who wanted to have a poll on class tee.
Give me your E-Mail, and I will bomb your email (spam in another words). The autoclicker is not there for nothing.
I hate Pink.
Signing off,
P.S. don't remove the poll/post.
Remaining Anonymous.
Nothing much today. Remember, tomorrow's the photo taking, bring your ties along!!!
Bldh (bloddy h*ll), today all of you made fun of me -.-" Just coz Annabelle didn't come. Arrgh, let's not talk about that.
Class matters.
First of all, blog song. I decided that we should list one (JUST ONE) song that we would like to hear onto our playlist. The first song must, and always must, be a class song. Wad's a class song?
I have no idea.
Ok, in order to change a class song, we need a MAJORITY of the votes to be either for/against changing the song. Majority is more than half of the total number of votes. Poll will appear up the Poll-its section.
If the majority agrees to change the song, we must also reach a general consensus on what song should be the class song. NO CHINESE, INDIAN, BANGALI, MALAY, OR ANY OTHER LANGUAGES (other than English or lyric-less) IN SONGS ON THE PLAYLIST. Including your personal songs (the other songs on the playlist).
Next, class tee.
I don't think we should put hot pink. NEVER!!!!
Hot pink is totally unaccepted by two of the largest powerhouses (means the most prominent figure[s]) in the class, namely, ME AND TIAN MIN.
Thirdly, name calling.
We have decided that name calling has reached a level of total danger. Tempers may flare, punches exchanged and friendships shattered due to a moment of childish behaviour.
Our verdit: KEEP IT UP!!!!! :)
Finally, blog improvements.
What should we do to improve this blog? Probably:
1) Less crap.
2) Don't put videos. Put the links.
3) Don't ever spam the da*n CBox.
4) More suggestions.
5) Anything else?
Agree or disagree? Post your views on the CBox. And should we post a homework list on the side of the blog to remind the others what we have to do and hand in?
Answer for the rope-burning quiz.
Take one string, light it at both ends and light a second string at one end. When the first string burns out, it'll be half an hour. Then, light the other end of the second string (the one with only one burning end). When the second string burns out, it'll be 45 mins.
The third string is a red herring.
+posted by: Magneto+
there's a part where it's kinda vulgar.. so.. if you don't wanna watch then don't =) (but this is dick lee, so.. heh.)
and lastly here are two more jokes =) the second one's a little sick.
A preacher wanted to raise money for his church and on being told that there was a fortune in horse racing, decided to purchase a horse and enter it in the races. However, at the local auction, the going price for horses was so high that he ended up buying a donkey instead. He figured that since he had it, he might as well go ahead and enter it in the races. To his surprise, the donkey came in third!
The next day the local paper carried this headline: PREACHER'S ASS SHOWS. The preacher was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and this time it won. The paper read: PREACHER'S ASS OUT IN FRONT. The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the preacher not to enter the donkey in another race. The paper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PREACHER'S ASS. This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the preacher to get rid of the donkey. The preacher decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. The paper headline the next day read: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN. The Bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10.00.
The next day the headline read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10.00. This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey, lead it to the plains, and let it go. Next day, the headline in the paper read: NUN ANNOUNCES HER ASS IS WILD AND FREE. The Bishop was buried the next day.
A Newfie wins the lottery and decides to take an around the world tour. Six months later he arrives in India and is met by his accountant at the airport. The accountant advises the newf that he has exhausted all his money and is now flat broke. The newf then is left all alone on the street. Some time passes and the newf finds himself knocking on the door of a huge castle one day. The owner, after listening to the newfs sad story, advises him that he can return all his fortune plus much more if he could complete three tasks within the castle. The newf, fearing nothing to lose, accepts the challange.
The first thing he was to do was enter a room where four bottles of the strongest liquor ever made were on a table. He was to drink the entire lot within three hours. Next, he was to proceed immediately to the next room where a ferocious lion was with a bad tooth and pull the tooth with his fingers. Afterwards he was, without delay, make love to the most horniest woman in India until she said NO MORE.
The newf proceeded to the first room and in 2hrs 59mins emerged in a drunken state. In a slurred voice he asked where the lion was. He entered this room and after 20mins of screeching and scratching a trickle of blood flowed out from under the door. The owner of the castle became worried and began to feel bad that he had sacrificed the newf. Suddenly the door to the room swung open and the newf staggered out asking, "Hic, hic... where's that woman with the bad tooth!!!
clement. =D
its a lil blur, but do bear with it><
Friday 2nd and 3rd periods (during Maths), Mrs Choi's gonna come in and teach us... DIO TEST DURING THIRD PERIOD!!! Study hard!!!
Photo-taking also on Friday...
+posted by:Magneto+
bio test has been postponed to this friday.(11july) ^-^ thanks to the persuasive ability of ppl like janice (and gang) who managed to convince mrs choy to change the date.
so chill out!
gloria =)
Girls are in red.
Boys are in blue.
Double characters (ppl who have 2 characters) are in purple.
Sharon - Rogue
Bahiemah - *No characters thought of up to date*
Carissa - Anorexic
Elise - Storm
Hejun - Volleyballer
Cheng Sin - Cyclops
Shi Yun - Santa Claus
Janice - Jean Grey
Julia - Vampire
Kezia - Cow
Pei Ling - Martian
Annabelle - Bullimic
Gloria - Iceman/Gambit
Elaine - LightCaster
Eileen - DarkCaster
Huai Pin - Juliet
Crystal - Crystal
Jia Hui - Ballerina
Claudia - *No characters thought of up to date*
Zhu Li - Cactus
Edwin - Kentucky
Tian Min - Human Torch
Dao Han - Toadman
Mingzhe - Chaosmaster
Wei Li - Magneto EX
Yi Jie - Old man
Marcus Yatim - W/Kimi
Hendra - Doraemon
Hendry - Romeo
Jia Ming - Anything also can
Rahul - NightCrawler
Bang Lian - Razorman
Jia Sheng - Spectator
Xiao Feng - SmallWind (Prof. X) EX
Clement - Anything better than Jiaming
Raj - Staticman
Marcus Loh - Winnie-the-Pooh
Kang Ren - Lord of Avernus
Nigel - Fake Storm
Darren - Airwick!
Daniel - Kutu
Current Statistics:Class tee : 1% [Discussions in progress]
Characters: 39/41 excluding Miss Lem and Mr Hui
Percentage of characters done: 95%
The above is as of Monday, 07-07-2008
Signing off,

Remember they used to say real man wear pink?
Here's 10 reasons why a guy can wear pink.
1) It was my last clean shirt.
2) My Mom made me wear it.
3) I make this color look good.
4) My Dad did the laundry.
5) I wear this shirt to annoy you.
6) Smart people wear pink.
7) It's my party shirt.
8) Pink is the new black.
9) It's a fashion statement.
and last but not least
Back to business.
But whose doing the class tee design and executing anyways? And wasn't the taman negara photos are with annabelle too?
anyway, had fun during the taman negara camp. (though I didnt want to go back again) So lucky of our class to have $50 MacDonalds meal.
our youth day holiday is almost over. how sad : (.
The Mas Selemat reminds me of the joke of whuy he is a 2/3 female.
But then, what's the ending of hancock? :O.
Santa clause is shiyun.
shiyun here.
10: Aziz (Marcus Yatim) [Down 1]
9: Sugiman (Hendra) [Down 1]
8: Eric (Darren Teo) [NEW!]
7: Thimaya (Rahul) [Down 2]
6: Swee Ming (Wei Li) [Down 3]
Top 5!
5: Judith (Edwin) [NEW!]
4: Kenneth ( Edwin) [Unchanged]
3: Biesuan (Hendra) [Up 7]
2: Soon Teng (Yi Jie) [Unchanged]
And the winner is...
1: WEN HUA!!! (Tian Min) [2 weeks in a row! Unchanged]
Bubbling-under! (3 parent's names that may make it into the charts, all it needs is a bit more name-calling!)
3: Chung Gee (Xiao Feng)
2: Olivia (Nigel)
1: Chirm Pok (Pei Ling)
*note, not responsible for any spelling errors*
Anyway, coz I have quite some free time in front of the computer, I created (or edited) these two pictures... Enjoy!

+Posted by: Magneto+
Labels: Weekly Top 10
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