Blog Milestone: Reached ten thousand visitors!
Born in: (Mostly 1993)
Our FT:
Ms. Lem Chen Chen
Flock size: 41
Presbyterian High School
4 Endurance Pupils 2009
Rahul - "I can't see him!"
V. Chairman:
Choo Yi Jie - "He can't see me!"
Class' smartest person:
Heng Cheng Sin
Class' most thing to shout:
Class' most-made-fun-of-person:
Chen Tian Min
Class' most free:
Chen Tian Min
Class' most innovative person:
Chen Tian Min
Class' quietest:
Tew Jia Hui
Class' slowest:
Darren Teo WL
Class' longest name:
Immandira Rahul Ponnanna (22 letters)
Class' most popular football club:
Manchester United Football Club
Class' most disgusting:
Edwin Chen
Class' most invisible:
Immandira Rahul Ponnanna
Class' lightest:
Carissa So
Class' most stunted speech:
Daniel Yu
Class' Most-no-common-sense:
Friday, January 30, 2009
No one posted for a long time. So let me post some lame cold jokes. Some of you might have heard of it before.Fillings
One day, a meat-filled bread and a hollow bread went to watch movie. It was a very very sad movie that the meat bread started to cry. But the hollow bread kept quiet. Why is this so?
Because he has no feeling (filling)
Another day, the meat bread and a chocolate bread went to watch movie. It was a horror movie. However, the meat bread cried, while the chocolate bread laughed. Why is this so?
Because they have different feelings (fillings)
Logic test
How do you put a giraffe into a fridge?
Open the flap, stuff the giraffe in, close the flap
How do you put an elephant into the fridge?
Open the flap, get the giraffe out of the fridge, stuff the elephant in, close the flap
There was a party in the jungle for all animals. Who is the only one who didn't turn up?
The elephant. It was still stuck inside the fridge.
A man wanted to cross a river which was inhabited by fierce crocodiles. How did he cross the river unscathed?
the animals went to the animal party, including the crocs. So the man can cross safely.
The three scientists
A physicist, a biologist and a chemist travelled to the sea. The physicist said, "I want to study the wavelenght, frequency, period and amplitude of the waves." Then he jumped into the deep water, never to be seen again. The biologist then said," I want to study the digestive system of various marine life." then he jumped into the water, never be seen again too. Finally, the chemist then jotted down a note. It reads,"I have studied that biologists and physicists are soluble in water, forming an aqueous solution."
Thursday, January 22, 2009
superman vs batman: how it should have ended
MUST WATCH!Superman: The other one? There are two of them?
Lex Luther: Yes Superman. double jeopardy. Even with your great speed you couldn't stop both of them. While I, on the other hand, could stop them with my detonator.
Superman: Wait. What did you say about me?
Lex Luther: i said, even with your great speed you couldn't stop both of them...
Superman: Yeah, that's the part.
Lex Luther: while i, with my detonator...
Superman: hang on just one second.
Superman: These missiles?
Lex Luther: Holy crap!!!
Superman: are these the missiles you were talking about Lex?
Lex Luther: YES!
Superman: what?
Lex Luther: YES! i said those are the ones!
Superman: I had to fly around the earth a few times but these were the only giant missiles i could find. But You said i couldn't possibily catch both of them so these must not be the ones you were talking about!
Lex Luther: Yes! those are the ones all right, you win. Please just get them out of here!
Superman: You deceased maniac..
Batman: so then what did you do?
Superman: Oh the usual. Make sure they put Luther away. Made out with Louis for a little bit. Flew out to space, smiled for the camera..
Batman: sweet.
Superman: yea, you know what else? Turns out Luther had this chunk of Kryptinite that would have totally ruined me if would have he whipped it out.
Batman: really..?
Superman: yea, but for some reason, instead he just told me his evil plan first and then tried to trick me into finding the kryptinite myself. What's up with that?
Batman: Villians are stupid.
Superman: I know right?
Batman: You know what i would've done? I would've thrown a batring at him, then tie him up.
Superman:and what about the missiles?
Batman: I would have some kind of Bat missile defence gadget.. on my belt.
Superman: Sure...
Batman: It wouldn't be a problem.
Superman: Dude.
Batman: It wouldn't.
Superman: Come on. You use that utility belt scenario for every situation.
Batman: What's wrong with my utility belt?
Superman: Oh nothing, nothing's wrong with it. Just eh, when you get a 'fly so fast it reverses time itself gadget' on your belt, let me know.
Batman: Im batman!
Superman: I know you are..
Batman: It's what i do.
Superman: I know, you say that a whole lot.
Batman: I carry things on my belt.. because Im Batman!
Superman: Dude, it's cool
Le Gra,
Punctuation is ver important!
Notice the effect of the following Dear John love letter with different punctuation:Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we’re apart. I can be forever happy –will you let me be yours?
Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is . All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we’re apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?
have a few laughs^^
Le Gra,
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I love the mountains
I love the clear blue skies
I love big bridges
I love when great whites fly
I love the whole world [Les Stroud]
And all its sights and sounds
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
I love the oceans
I love real dirty things [Mike Rowe]
I love to go fastI love Egyptian kings
I love the whole world
And all its craziness
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da [Richard Machowicz]
I love tornadoes [Joshua Wurman]
I love arachnids [Bear Grylls]
I love hot magma
I love the giant squids
I love the whole world
It's such a brilliant place
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da [Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage]
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da [Stephen Hawking]
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da
Le Gra,
Epic Fail.

Click to enlarge.
Kelen's Blink Dagger of Escape - 2100 Gold
Divine Rapier - 6400 Gold
Epic fail with Faceless Void and Earthshaker VS. Lord of Avernus - Priceless
There are some things many can't buy, for every thing else, there is MasterCard.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Ngee ann poly photos
for those who did not stay throughout the poly exhibition, we had some wacky specs to pose in front of the camera!
Le Gra,
*note: for those in the picture, you may ask me to change the caption for your own "portfolio" photo. but im lazy so do tell me early.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
HELLO!!!we are having some HAMPER-MAKING thingy... and the dateline for submission of de HAMPER we made is 19 January, so can you all bring some can food to school on 15 January? ( next thursday)
things you may consider bringing:
- can food like beans, mushroom
- milo packets
- cereals
- ribena drink ( those kind in a bottle which resembles wine)
- etc.
haha... you can volunteer to help us wrap de hamper too xD ( because i really have no idea how to wrap one) hehe...
MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!!! de food you bring MUST NOT BE EXPIRED! and de food must be suitable for young and old to eat.. haha.. that's all bah...haha.. thanks a lot!!! =)
Some funny videos
Just to keep this blog alive, and to destress from those homeworks.Parody of a cooking show - making chilli dogs. She was crashed by a car in the end
Dumb but very funny woman called Antonia who works in a pizza restaurant. She says funny stuff.
Another dumb but funny woman called Ms Swan. Don't know how to use ATM machine
Hope you all like it :) Some of you may have watched them though
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
hey all!although we are dying in homework, i think that we should all have some laughs~
its a spoof on sesame street-Big bird having bird flu.
hope you enjoy it!
Le Gra,
Saturday, January 3, 2009
please bring $4.50 for the character first file! ms lem buying for us. thank you! please remind your frens!=))happy weekend!